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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Singing in!

After the sun set, we piled too much food and our bodies into the car for a roadtrip to Iowa. We had planned to stay in Cedar Rapids, IA for just one day to see my dad. Under the assumption that it would take us about 14 hours to get there, we brought a collection of CD's and a fully loaded MP3 player to keep the driver company during the lonely hours of the early morning. With our two media players, we also brought two converters for the tape player, so that we could listen to our music. Sadly, neither of the converters worked. So, we were forced to spend the duration of the road trip either talking or in silence.

Being that I don't drive and we were left without music to guide our travels - I was the self proclaimed entertainment for the duration of the journey. After downing an energy drink, my friend and I discussed politics for awhile, before my brother took the wheel. This was an initially frightening experience, the car that we were driving was a manual and Brother had never driven one. He learned quickly and then we swapped stories for a few hours until I crashed.

On not nearly enough sleep, we made it into Cedar Rapids and spent the day with Dad. We had an awesome good time, reminiscing and catching up. We ate sick-inducing Chinese food and called it a day, heading out just as the sun rolled down toward the horizon.

After chugging another energy drink, Brother took the wheel and my friend passed out in the back. While Brother drove and my friend slept, I sang every song that I could ever remember. Sometimes Brother would pick up the lyrics I had forgotten and he would remind me of another song that we used to rock out to. The drive home went remarkably quicker than the drive out, which leads me to conclude that you don't need a stereo and music when you've got a vocal box and energy drinks.